On Thu, 04 Oct 2007 22:36:14 +0200, "Brice Goglin"
> Your backtrace would be better if you enter 'bt full' instead of 'bt' to
> display it.

Here it is:

Core was generated by `blender-bin'.
Program terminated with signal 11, Segmentation fault.
#0  _generic_read_RGBA_span_RGB565_MMX () at
590     x86/read_rgba_span_x86.S: No such file or directory.
        in x86/read_rgba_span_x86.S
(gdb) bt full
#0  _generic_read_RGBA_span_RGB565_MMX () at
No locals.
#1  0xb69523ef in mgaReadRGBASpan_565_MMX (ctx=0x8ad03b8, rb=0x8d0be00,
    x=32, y=251, values=0xb3d1d00c)
    at ../../../../../src/mesa/drivers/dri/common/spantmp2.h:427
        i = 0
        minx = <value optimized out>
        maxx = <value optimized out>
        mmesa = (mgaContextPtr) 0x8acab10
        dPriv = <value optimized out>
        buf = 0xb5190f00 <Address 0xb5190f00 out of bounds>
        x1 = 5
        n1 = 5
        pitch = 3840
#2  0xb6a16f28 in _swrast_get_dest_rgba (ctx=0x8ad03b8, rb=0x8d0be00,
    at swrast/s_span.c:1943
        pixelSize = <value optimized out>
        rbPixels = (void *) 0xb3d1d00c
#3  0xb6a9cfee in _swrast_blend_span (ctx=0x8ad03b8, rb=0x8d0be00, 
    span=0xbfb803f8) at swrast/s_blend.c:997
        swrast = (SWcontext *) 0x8afb430
        rbPixels = <value optimized out>
#4  0xb6a198d5 in _swrast_write_rgba_span (ctx=0x8ad03b8,
---Type <return> to continue, or q <return> to quit---
    at swrast/s_span.c:1627
        rb = (struct gl_renderbuffer *) 0x8d0be00
        numDrawBuffers = 1
        rgbaSave = {"\000Ra", "\000\000Rc", "\000\000\000R",
  "(\000\000", "\000(\000", "\000\000R\a", "\000\000\000t",
  "__in", "it__", "&#65533;\000\000", "s\n\000", "\000\000\001\t",
  "\001\t\001c", "\001\000\000", "\005\000\000", "\a\000\000",
  "s&#65533;\000", "\000|\000", "i\001\000o", "\b\000\001d",
  "\001\000\001d", "\000\000}\002", "\000x\206", "|\000\000i",
  "{\000}\004", "\000xf", "|\000\000i", "\006\000D]", "[\000}\003",
  "i\t\000i", "\n\000|\004", "\000|\003", "\203\002\000}", "\003\000y*", 
  "\000t\v", "|\003\000d", "\001\000\203\002", "\000}\001",
  "\r\000\203", "\000}\002", "|\001\000i", "\016\000\203", "\000\001PW", 
  "q2\000\004", "t\017\000j", "\n\000o\a", "\000\001\001\001", "\001q2", 
  "\001Xq2", "\000W|\002", "\000o\005", "\001Pq\"", "\000\001q\"", 
  "\000W|\002", "\000p\r", "\001|\000", "i\020\000}", "\002\000n\001", 
  "\000\001|\002", "\000i\021", "d\002\000\203", "\001\000|",
  "t\022\000|", "\000\000i\001", "\000\203\001", "|\000\000_",
  "\000S(\003", "\000\000\000N", "R$\000", "\000s\001", "\000\000\n(", 
  "\024\000\000", "R_\000", "\000Rg", "\000\000R'", "\000\000\000R", 
  "a\000\000", "Rf\000", "\000R\005", "\000\000Rd", "\000\000\000t", 
  "\b\000\000", "file", "name", "R\000\000", "\000R\001",
  "\000\000\000t", "\004\000\000", "file", "t\002\000", "\000fpt", 
---Type <return> to continue, or q <return> to quit---
  "\004\000\000", "read", "R3\000", "\000R.", "\000\000Rb",
  "V\000\000", "t\003\000", "\000len", "t\021\000", "\000_Pr", "inte",
  "inec", "nt(\005", "\000\000\000R", "_\000\000", "Rk\000", "\000Ra", 
  "\000\000Ri", "\000\000\000R", "\005\000\000", "(\000\000",
  "\000\000R\a", "\000\000\000t", "\a\000\000", "__se", "tup", 
  "\001\000\000s", "*\000\000", "\000\001\n\001", "\b\001\006\001", 
  "\n\000\006\001", "\n\000\006\001", "\025\001\003\001",
  "\n\001\005\001", "\016\001\t\001", "\a\001\t\001", "\a\001\r\001", 
  "\022\001c\001", "\000\000\000\001", "\000\000\000\003",
  "\000\000\000s", "M\000\000", "|\000\000i", "\001\000\203",
  "\020ii\r", "`&#65533;&#65533;&#65533;", "L&#375;&#65533;",
  "(&#65533;&#65533;&#65533;", "&#65533;\235\024&#65533;",
  "&#65533;\005,&#65533;", "D&#65533;9&#65533;", "4&#65533;9&#65533;", 
  "&#65533;&#65533;\023&#65533;", "\002\000&#65533;&#65533;",
  "\tP&#65533;&#65533;", "&#65533;\005,&#65533;", "@&#65533;9&#65533;",
  "&#65533;/&#65533;&#65533;", "\220&#375;&#65533;", 
  "l%&#65533;\b", "&#65533;&#375;&#65533;",
  "&#65533;&#65533;&#65533;&#65533;", "\001\000\000", "\ns!",
  "\000\000Ty", "pe %", 
  "<&#65533;&#65533;&#65533;", "\220&#375;&#65533;",
  "&#65533;&#439;&#65533;", "&#65533;?\f&#65533;", "@\000\000",
  "L&#65533;\023&#65533;", "$\234\023&#65533;", 
  "\203&#65533;+&#65533;", "&#65533;?\f&#65533;",
  "\205&#65533;+&#65533;", "\207&#65533;+&#65533;", "\000\000\000",
  "\001\000\000", "&#65533;\000\000", "`&#65533;&#65533;&#65533;",
  "\000\000(&#65533;", "\203&#65533;+&#65533;", "\\H\024&#65533;", 
  "&#65533;\210+&#65533;", "\001\000\000", "&#65533;/&#65533;&#65533;",
  "&#65533;&#65533;9&#65533;", "\230&#439;&#65533;",
  "&#65533;&#439;&#65533;", "&#65533;&#65533;&#65533;&#65533;"...}
        buf = 0
        swrast = (const SWcontext *) 0x8afb430
        colorMask = 4294967295
        origInterpMask = 0
        origArrayMask = 553
        chanType = 5121
---Type <return> to continue, or q <return> to quit---
        shader = 0 '\0'
        fb = (struct gl_framebuffer *) 0x8d0b9a0
        output = 0
        deferredTexture = 0 '\0'
#5  0xb6a961f2 in rgba_aa_tri (ctx=0x8ad03b8, v0=0xbfb8086c,
    v2=0xbfb80b2c) at swrast/s_aatritemp.h:456
        startX = <value optimized out>
        coverage = <value optimized out>
        ix = -1279426056
        left = 32
        n = 5
        pMin = <value optimized out>
        pMid = <value optimized out>
        pMax = <value optimized out>
        iy = 251
        dxdy = -0.666687012
        xAdj = 0
        x = 36.6250687
#6  0xb69335dc in mga_fallback_tri (mmesa=0x8acab10, v0=0xb3a8e020, 
    v1=0xb3a8e040, v2=0xb3a8e060) at mgatris.c:291
        ctx = (GLcontext *) 0x8ad03b8
        v = {{win = {36.375061, 251.375, 32767.5, 1}, color =
    specular = "\000\000\000&#65533;", index = -2.86474988e-05,
    pointSize = 1, 
---Type <return> to continue, or q <return> to quit---
    attrib = {{-1.10862893e-05, 8.96831017e-44, 1.12103877e-44,
      {0, -2.86087743e-05, -nan(0x7fffff), 4.34402524e-44},
        1.40129846e-45, 1.29482319e-33, -1.43777084}, {0,
        8.96831017e-44, -8.80572406e-06}, {0, 0, 1.29482246e-33, 1}, {
        31.875061, 922.25, -9.99866825e-06, 1}, {-1.00026955e-05,
        -9.19416198e-06, -1.00026955e-05}, {-1.04407836e-05,
        -1.43800402, -1.10704314e-05}, {-1.04214414e-05, 4.20389539e-45, 
        3.01713572e-41, -1.4380312}, {-1.04407836e-05, 0,
        -1.10704314e-05}, {-1.04214414e-05, 4.20389539e-45,
        -1.43803501}, {0, 0, -1.10704314e-05, -1.43778515},
        1.02862588e-33, -1.43803501, -1.43803692}, {-1.04444553e-05, 
        1.02862588e-33, -1.43803501, -9.07179037e-06}, {1.02294788e-43, 
        1.29802935e-33, 1.2948085e-33, 0}, {-9.13172062e-06,
        0, -1.00026955e-05}, {-9.18460228e-06, 1.2948085e-33,
        -9.167602e-06}, {-1.04407836e-05, -2.84388661e-05,
        -1.10704314e-05}, {-1.04214414e-05, -9.17235138e-06,
        -1.43805027}, {0, -1.43796921, -1.43796921, -9.11755615e-06}}},
    win = {32.375061, 251.375, 32767.5, 1}, color = "iii&#65533;", 
    specular = "\000\000\000&#65533;", index = 7.55664018e-34, pointSize
    = 1, 
    attrib = {{0, -1.43791878, -9.99866825e-06, 3.65664911e-39}, {
        -nan(0x7fffd4), -nan(0x7fffd4), -nan(0x7fffd4),
        -1.00026955e-05}, {
        1.2948085e-33, -9.02687498e-06, -9.99866825e-06, 1.2948085e-33},
        -9.16694444e-06, 1.2948085e-33, -1.43796921}, {0, 0,
---Type <return> to continue, or q <return> to quit---
        1}, {33.875, 919.25, 0, 1}, {8.23573015e-34, -1.43785799, 
        1.2948085e-33, -1.43802929}, {5.69194614e-34, 1.2948085e-33, 
        3.57331108e-43, 1.2948085e-33}, {0, -nan(0x7fffff),
        7.55664018e-34}, {7.55663834e-34, 0, -1.43796921,
        1.40129846e-45}, {0, 
        0, 0, 0}, {1.40129846e-44, -1.43796909, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 
        -6.23065534e-06}, {-6.22376501e-06, 5.60519386e-45, -2.63111329, 
        -1.43783236}, {1.18612429e+22, 0, 0, -1.43783236},
        -1.43802071, 4.20389539e-45, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 1.40129846e-45}, {
        9.18354962e-41, -1.43785, -1.43784952, 1.40129846e-45}, {
        -7.86390046e-08, 1.03920901e-33, -1.43784475, -1.43785191}, {
        -4.35494212e-06, 5.60519386e-45, -1.43784475, -1.43799973}}},
        {win = {
      34.375, 254.375, 32767.5, 1}, color = "iii&#65533;", specular =
    index = -1.43784475, pointSize = 1, attrib = {{4.20389539e-45, 0, 0,
    0}, {
        0, 1.40129846e-45, 9.18354962e-41, -1.43785}, {-1.43784952, 
        1.40129846e-45, 9.18354962e-41, -6.23065534e-06}, {0,
        -2.63111329, -1.43785524}, {0, 0, 0, 1}, {35.875061, 924.25, 
        4.20389539e-45, 1}, {0, 0, 0, 1.40129846e-45}, {9.18354962e-41, 
        -1.43787289, -1.43787241, 1.40129846e-45}, {1.12103877e-44, 
        1.03920901e-33, -1.43786764, -1.43787479}, {-4.35494212e-06, 
        5.60519386e-45, -1.43786764, 1.55087643e-38}, {0,
        1.40129846e-45, -1.43787289}, {-4.71385783e-06, 1.0412933e-33,
        2.80259693e-45}, {4.20389539e-45, 0, 0, 0}, {0, 1.40129846e-45, 
        9.18354962e-41, -1.43787289}, {-1.43787241, 1.40129846e-45, 
---Type <return> to continue, or q <return> to quit---
        9.18354962e-41, 5.7453237e-44}, {1.12103877e-44, 1.03920901e-33, 
        1.06824886e-33, -1.43788433}, {-4.39399219e-06, 1.03920901e-33, 
        9.80908925e-45, 1.65436123e-24}, {2.69049305e-43,
        -7.86394594e-08, -7.8639232e-08}, {-7.86390046e-08,
        6.77626358e-21, 6.77626358e-21}, {6.77626358e-21, 0, 0, 0}}}}
#7  0xb692feb6 in triangle_fallback_flat (ctx=0x8ad03b8, e0=0, e1=1,
    at ../../../../../src/mesa/tnl_dd/t_dd_tritmp.h:340
        VB = (struct vertex_buffer *) 0x8b18288
        mmesa = (mgaContextPtr) 0x8acab10
#8  0xb69e1725 in _tnl_render_triangles_verts (ctx=0x8ad03b8, start=0, 
    count=3, flags=52) at tnl/t_vb_rendertmp.h:163
        j = 5
        tnl = (TNLcontext *) 0x8b17e48
        TriangleFunc = (
    const tnl_triangle_func) 0xb692fe00 <triangle_fallback_flat>
        stipple = 0 '\0'
#9  0xb69e2b82 in run_render (ctx=0x8ad03b8, stage=0x8b18044)
    at tnl/t_vb_render.c:320
        prim = 5
        start = 0
        length = <value optimized out>
        i = 1
        tnl = (TNLcontext *) 0x8b17e48
---Type <return> to continue, or q <return> to quit---
        VB = (struct vertex_buffer *) 0x8b18288
        tab = (tnl_render_func *) 0xb6af94c0
        pass = 0
        __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "run_render"
#10 0xb69da35b in _tnl_run_pipeline (ctx=0x8ad03b8) at
        tnl = (TNLcontext *) 0x8b17e48
        __tmp = 895
        i = <value optimized out>
        mask = 63
#11 0xb69da833 in _tnl_draw_prims (ctx=0x8ad03b8, arrays=0x8b06270, 
    prim=0x8b04dcc, nr_prims=2, ib=0x0, min_index=0, max_index=5)
    at tnl/t_draw.c:403
        bo = {0xbfb80e58, 0xbfb80ee4, 0x2, 0x8b04ca8, 0xbfb80e98,
  0x8ad03b8, 0x400, 0xbfb80f20, 0x8d0b9a0, 0x4, 0x8d0b9d8, 0xb6d110ec, 
  0xb6d0c68b, 0x4, 0x400c6445, 0xbfb80ed0, 0x1, 0x8acab10, 0x1,
  0xb692100e, 0x4, 0x5, 0xbfb80ed0, 0xc, 0x0, 0x0, 0x3, 0x8ad03b8, 0x0, 
  0x8b04ca8, 0xbfb80f08}
        nr_bo = 0
        tnl = (TNLcontext *) 0x8b17e48
#12 0xb69d3a36 in vbo_exec_vtx_flush (exec=0x8b04ca8)
    at vbo/vbo_exec_draw.c:215
        ctx = (GLcontext *) 0x8ad03b8
#13 0xb69cf6c8 in vbo_exec_FlushVertices (ctx=0x8ad03b8, flags=1)
---Type <return> to continue, or q <return> to quit---
    at vbo/vbo_exec_api.c:685
        exec = (struct vbo_exec_context *) 0x8b04ca8
#14 0xb6a6c79e in _mesa_set_enable (ctx=0x8ad03b8, cap=3042, state=0
    at main/enable.c:250
No locals.
#15 0xb6a6caea in _mesa_Disable (cap=3042) at main/enable.c:961
No locals.
#16 0x081553eb in ?? ()
No symbol table info available.
#17 0x00000be2 in ?? ()
No symbol table info available.
#18 0x40c00000 in ?? ()
No symbol table info available.
#19 0x080b6202 in ?? ()
No symbol table info available.
#20 0xb727d140 in ?? () from /lib/libc.so.6
No symbol table info available.
#21 0x41300000 in ?? ()
No symbol table info available.
#22 0x42100000 in ?? ()
No symbol table info available.
#23 0x42000000 in ?? ()
No symbol table info available.
---Type <return> to continue, or q <return> to quit---
#24 0x42080000 in ?? ()
No symbol table info available.
#25 0x41100000 in ?? ()
No symbol table info available.
#26 0x002601e8 in ?? ()
No symbol table info available.
#27 0x037f0c7f in ?? ()
No symbol table info available.
#28 0x0888d6ec in ?? ()
No symbol table info available.
#29 0x08d7bf00 in ?? ()
No symbol table info available.
#30 0x08d7bf00 in ?? ()
No symbol table info available.
#31 0xbfb81198 in ?? ()
No symbol table info available.
#32 0x0815a335 in ui_draw_but ()
No symbol table info available.
Backtrace stopped: frame did not save the PC
Current language:  auto; currently asm

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