Package: menu
Tags: patch


Currently, for packages (such as KDE's) that use menu-xdg to make the Debian 
menu available, uninstalling menu does not cause the Debian menu to 
disappear from view, because the hierarchy of files under /var/lib/menu-xdg 
generated when, say, update-menus is run, remains present.

Of course, without menu installed, the Debian menu users are presented with 
becomes more and more out of date.

I'm not sure what the best way to solve the problem is, but one quick and 
dirty fix would be for menu to rm -f /var/lib/menu-xdg when it is removed 
or purged, as in the postrm script I've attached. Of course, a more elegant 
fix (perhaps in the menu-xdg package itself) would be great, but this seems 
to work well enough here. Let me know what you think.

Christopher Martin

Attachment: menu.postrm
Description: application/shellscript

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