On Wednesday 20 April 2005 08:10 pm, Charles Lepple wrote:
> Heh. Maybe you could "borrow" the aptproxy userid.

Why not just add another?

> Actually, along these lines, I wonder if there's a precedent for
> conflicting with another package with a server that binds to the same
> port. After all, the default for both apt-proxy and approx is to listen
> on port 9999. (Of course, you can always reconfigure one or the other
> to listen on a different port, whereas most other conflicts arise from
> two packages that have staked out the same portion of the filesystem
> namespace.)

That was actually one of my silent gripes, if you will. It really should 
bind to another port by default, like, say, 9998. Both are by no means 
standard port numbers, so why create conflict?

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