Debian Bug Tracking System writes ("Bug#90486 acknowledged by developer         
 (Bug#90486: fixed in modutils"):
>      [man/depmod.8]
>      . Added a note regarding what is and what is not an exposure when running
>        'depmod -r' (Closes: #90486)

This is a good change, and I approve of the wording in the manpage.
However, of my three complaints, one remains unaddressed:

  * Secondly, the warnings from depmod need to be easier to turn off.  I
  want a file somewhere where I can nobble all of Debian's invocations
  of depmod.  I couldn't find a place to do this.

There is some previous discussion about this in the bug logs, which I
thought was finished when I pointed out that the amount of output
involved was often unreasonable.  Furthermore, I now see that the
program has been changed so that it now treats this problem as a fatal
error !

I think Thomas Hood's comment that `What remains of this report is a
request to clarify the man page' was inaccurate.

I think the easiest and most sensible way to meet my the requirement I
state would be for modules.conf to have a way to give default
arguments to depmod.

I will reopen this bug report and adjust the severity.

(This may seem like a request for a feature, but actually, it is a bug
that depmod fails to work in my installation.  If it were only a
question of excessive warning output then I would be happy for the bug
to be `wishlist'.)


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