severity 440386 important
merge 440386 440821 440434

On Tue, Sep 04, 2007 at 05:37:20PM +0200, newbeewan wrote:
> Package: kdebluetooth
> Version: 0.99+1.0beta2-8
> Severity: important
> Hi,
> kbluetoothD cash now all the time in unstable and testing...

Frankly I don't know which new package triggers this, but given that a
new upstream version is about to make it into sid, I don't think it
makes sense to spend a lot of time to debug this.

The new package build from beta6 is waiting in NEW since it contains new
binary packages. I'm currently working on beta7. Let's see if these fix
the problem.

Anyway, could someone of you please try to simply recompile
kdebluetooth? My tests suggest that this might fix the problem.
Depending on how long it takes to get the new version in I can upload a
recompiled version of -8 if this helps.

Michael Meskes
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