retitle 403407 rubygems: gems are installed in /var/lib/gems/X.Y/bin, which is 
not in $PATH
severity 403407 wishlist
tags 403407 + wontfix

On 04/07/07 at 19:59 +0200, Renaud Morvan wrote:
> There is another issue related to this situation in current stable etch.
> Gems bin are located in /var/lib/gems/1.8/bin/ which means that they can't 
> be accessed easily with sudo which seems to be compiled with secure-path 
> that hardcode PATH env variable
> It leads to buggy situation with some popular gems:
>       if you install gems like mongrel (as the vast majority of ruby on rails 
> users do) you can't start the server under another identity than yours 
> without using the full path. Can't start the provided init.d script for 
> mongrel cluster ...
>       And "normal user" that don't know about the sudo security stuff just 
> get 
> "command not found" => headache
> As long as this package will ghetto the gems bin in some exotic folder, I 
> fear that compiling rubygems will remains mainstream as it's not worst than 
> symlinking to /usr/local/bin :/
> I understand that the scope of this situation is wider than that, that's 
> much more about the compatibility between gems and apt-get
> Hope that one day I'll be able to be an happy debian rubyist :)

yeah, all of this sucks, really. The problem is that the upstream
rubygems developers don't care, and that it's impossible to change that
without their cooperation. I know it's frustrating.

Note that this issue is documented in
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