severity 87058 wishlist

This is in response to your bug reported back in 2001.  I'm not sure you
care any more, but I just adopted the package and am going through all of
the bugs.  :)

> When using gtimer, if two tasks are running at the same time, the time for
> both tasks is counted, rather than once.
> This manifests itself if we have two tasks:
> task1 and task2
> if I turn timing on for both task1 and task2, wait five minutes, then stop
> timing, the total time will show as ten minutes.
> There's no easy fix to this, since the total time is added from time on
> each task.

This always bugged me too, but as you say, it's hard to fix.  GTimer
stores all times separately for each task and doesn't have a notion of
"total time" other than just adding up all the time for each task, so this
is to some degree a redefinition of what it means by "total time."  I
think the right way to fix this would be to annotate the time stored in
tasks saying that the time is shared with N other tasks so that the
arithmetic can be done properly (and possibly so that one can get an
annotated report).

It's unlikely that I'll have time or inclination to implement this, as
it's never really bothered me and it seems like a fair bit of work.  If
upstream starts working on the package again, I'll definitely pass this

Russ Allbery ([EMAIL PROTECTED])             <>

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