On Wednesday 08 August 2007 09:26, Christian Perrier wrote: > > P.S. Is there any chance I can get commit access to the repository? I > > promise to only touch Bulgarian translations and debian/changelog. My > > alioth user name is dmn. Having direct access will save you the trouble > > of applying patches (and me preparing them). TIA. > > Would certainly be OK. Tobias, Damyan is a really regular translator > for Bulgarian and is always doing good job. I recommend giving him > commit access.
Hi Damyan, I've added you to the list of developers of the group pkg-isocodes on Alioth. You should be able to check out a copy of the subversion repository with write access now. I did not commit your patch; maybe you'd like to do this yourself to see if your setup works. Welcome on board! Regards, Tobias -- Tobias Toedter | Quit worrying about your health. It'll go away. Hamburg, Germany |
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