Package: gnome-menus
Severity: wishlist
Tags: patch l10n


Attached gnome-menus basque translation update, please commit it.

-- System Information:
Debian Release: lenny/sid
  APT prefers unstable
  APT policy: (500, 'unstable'), (500, 'testing'), (500, 'stable')
Architecture: i386 (i686)

Kernel: Linux 2.6.21
Locale: LANG=eu_ES.UTF-8, LC_CTYPE=eu_ES.UTF-8 (charmap=UTF-8)
Shell: /bin/sh linked to /bin/bash

Versions of packages gnome-menus depends on:
ii  libc6                         2.6-2      GNU C Library: Shared libraries
ii  libglib2.0-0                  2.12.13-1  The GLib library of C routines
pn  libgnome-menu2                <none>     (no description available)
ii  python                        2.4.4-6    An interactive high-level object-o
ii  python-glade2                 2.10.6-1   GTK+ bindings: Glade support
pn  python-gmenu                  <none>     (no description available)

gnome-menus recommends no packages.
# translation of eu.po to Euskara
# Menu section translation
# Copyright (C) 2003
# This file is distributed under the same license as the menu package.
# Bill Allombert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, 2003.
# Piarres Beobide  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, 2005, 2007.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: eu\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2007-07-17 21:53+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2007-07-18 09:51+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Piarres Beobide <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>\n"
"Language-Team: Euskara <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"X-Generator: Pootle 1.0.1\n"

#: ../../debian/desktop-files/
msgid "Action"
msgstr "Ekintza"

#: ../../debian/desktop-files/
msgid "Action games"
msgstr "Ekintza jokoak"

#: ../../debian/desktop-files/
msgid "Adventure"
msgstr "Abentura"

#: ../../debian/desktop-files/
msgid "Adventure style games"
msgstr "Abentura moduko jokoak"

#: ../../debian/desktop-files/
msgid "Arcade"
msgstr "Arkade"

#: ../../debian/desktop-files/
msgid "Arcade style games"
msgstr "Arkade moduko jokoak"

#: ../../debian/desktop-files/
msgid "Falling blocks"
msgstr "Erortzen diren blokeak"

#: ../../debian/desktop-files/
msgid "Falling blocks games"
msgstr "Blokeak erortzen diren jokoak"

#: ../../debian/desktop-files/
msgid "Board"
msgstr "Mahaigainekoak"

#: ../../debian/desktop-files/
msgid "Board games"
msgstr "Mahaigaineko jokoak"

#: ../../debian/desktop-files/
msgid "Card games"
msgstr "Karta jokoak"

#: ../../debian/desktop-files/
msgid "Cards"
msgstr "Kartak"

#: ../../debian/desktop-files/
msgid "Debian"
msgstr "Debian"

#: ../../debian/desktop-files/
msgid "The Debian menu"
msgstr "Debian menua"

#: ../../debian/desktop-files/
msgid "Games for kids"
msgstr "Haur jokoak"

#: ../../debian/desktop-files/
msgid "Kids"
msgstr "Haurrak"

#: ../../debian/desktop-files/
msgid "Logic"
msgstr "Logika"

#: ../../debian/desktop-files/
msgid "Logic and puzzle games"
msgstr "Logika eta puzzle jokoak"

#: ../../debian/desktop-files/
msgid "Role playing"
msgstr "Rola"

#: ../../debian/desktop-files/
msgid "Role playing games"
msgstr "Rol jokoak"

#: ../../debian/desktop-files/
msgid "Simulation"
msgstr "Simulazioa"

#: ../../debian/desktop-files/
msgid "Simulation games"
msgstr "Simulazio jokoak"

#: ../../debian/desktop-files/
msgid "Sports"
msgstr "Kirolak"

#: ../../debian/desktop-files/
msgid "Sports games"
msgstr "Kirol jokoak"

#: ../../debian/desktop-files/
msgid "Strategy"
msgstr "Estrategia"

#: ../../debian/desktop-files/
msgid "Strategy games"
msgstr "Estrategia jokoak"

#~ msgid "Applications"
#~ msgstr "Aplikazioak"

#~ msgid "Accessibility"
#~ msgstr "Erabilerraztasuna"

#~ msgid "Amateur Radio"
#~ msgstr "Irrati-amateurra"

#~ msgid "Data Management"
#~ msgstr "Datu Kudeaketa"

#~ msgid "Editors"
#~ msgstr "Editoreak"

#~ msgid "Education"
#~ msgstr "Heziketa"

#~ msgid "Emulators"
#~ msgstr "Emuladoreak"

#~ msgid "File Management"
#~ msgstr "Fitxategi Kudeaketa"

#~ msgid "Graphics"
#~ msgstr "Grafikoak"

#~ msgid "Mobile Devices"
#~ msgstr "Gailu Mugikorrak"

#~ msgid "Network"
#~ msgstr "Sarea"

#~ msgid "Communication"
#~ msgstr "Komunikazioak"

#~ msgid "File Transfer"
#~ msgstr "Fitxategi Transferentzia"

#~ msgid "Monitoring"
#~ msgstr "Monitorizazioa"

#~ msgid "Web Browsing"
#~ msgstr "Web Nabigatzea"

#~ msgid "Web News"
#~ msgstr "Web Berriak"

#~ msgid "Office"
#~ msgstr "Bulegoa"

#~ msgid "Programming"
#~ msgstr "Programatzea"

#~ msgid "Project Management"
#~ msgstr "Proiektu Kudeaketa"

#~ msgid "Science"
#~ msgstr "Zientzia"

#~ msgid "Astronomy"
#~ msgstr "Astronomia"

#~ msgid "Biology"
#~ msgstr "Biologia"

#~ msgid "Chemistry"
#~ msgstr "Kimika"

#~ msgid "Data Analysis"
#~ msgstr "Datu Analisia"

#~ msgid "Electronics"
#~ msgstr "Elektronika"

#~ msgid "Engineering"
#~ msgstr "Ingeniaritza"

#~ msgid "Geoscience"
#~ msgstr "Geozientzia"

#~ msgid "Mathematics"
#~ msgstr "Matematika"

#~ msgid "Medicine"
#~ msgstr "Medizina"

#~ msgid "Physics"
#~ msgstr "Fisika"

#~ msgid "Social"
#~ msgstr "Soziala"

#~ msgid "Shells"
#~ msgstr "Shell-ak"

#~ msgid "Sound"
#~ msgstr "Soinua"

#~ msgid "System"
#~ msgstr "Sistema"

#~ msgid "Administration"
#~ msgstr "Administrazioa"

#~ msgid "Hardware"
#~ msgstr "Hardwarea"

#~ msgid "Language Environment"
#~ msgstr "Hizkuntz Ingurunea"

#~ msgid "Package Management"
#~ msgstr "Pakete kudeaketa"

#~ msgid "Security"
#~ msgstr "Segurtasuna"

#~ msgid "Terminal Emulators"
#~ msgstr "Terminal Emulatzaileak"

#~ msgid "Text"
#~ msgstr "Testua"

#~ msgid "TV and Radio"
#~ msgstr "TV eta Irratia"

#~ msgid "Viewers"
#~ msgstr "Ikustatzaileak"

#~ msgid "Video"
#~ msgstr "Bideoa"

#~ msgid "Web Development"
#~ msgstr "Web Garapena"

#~ msgid "Games"
#~ msgstr "Jokoak"

#~ msgid "Blocks"
#~ msgstr "Blokeak"

#~ msgid "Puzzles"
#~ msgstr "Puzleak"

#~ msgid "Tools"
#~ msgstr "Lanabesak"

#~ msgid "Toys"
#~ msgstr "Jostailuak"

#~ msgid "Help"
#~ msgstr "Laguntza"

#~ msgid "Screen"
#~ msgstr "Pantaila"

#~ msgid "Saving"
#~ msgstr "Gorde"

#~ msgid "Locking"
#~ msgstr "Blokeatu"

#~ msgid "Window Managers"
#~ msgstr "Leiho kudeatzaileak"

#~ msgid "FVWM Modules"
#~ msgstr "FVWM Moduluak"

#~ msgid "Window Maker"
#~ msgstr "Leiho Sortzailea"

#~ msgid "Appearance"
#~ msgstr "Itxura"

#~ msgid "WorkSpace"
#~ msgstr "LanekoArea"

#~ msgid "Iceape Components"
#~ msgstr "Iceape Osagaiak"

#~ msgid "Teddies"
#~ msgstr "Pelutxeak"

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