On Mon, Jul 09, 2007 at 02:30:22PM -0600, dann frazier wrote:
> hey,
>   As these bugs have been open with a patch for over a month without a
> rejection from the maintainer, I intend to NMU the associated packages
> in a week's time (or sooner, if requested by the maintainer).

Ok. Go ahead. I wish to test and upload 2.2.10 soon (was released recently)
so I will forward your bugs upstream before that.

> Unless you request otherwise, any NMUs I upload will be to the DELAYED
> queue, so you will have an additional week to supersede my upload with
> an MU to prevent it from entering unstable.

No need to DELAY, send to 0-DELAYED. But please make sure the packages work
before uploading (i.e. do a nessus run with the patched version and compare
with an unpatched version)



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