Hello, Holger!

Please apply the enclosed patch and tell me if this fixes your problem
with gPodder and buggy RSS feeds.

This patch will take the first line of the description as title for an
episode if the episode itself doesn't provide an episode title.


Index: src/gpodder/librssreader.py
--- src/gpodder/librssreader.py	(revision 339)
+++ src/gpodder/librssreader.py	(working copy)
@@ -133,6 +133,8 @@
                 self.current_item.pubDate = self.current_element_data
             if name == "item":
                 if self.current_item.url:
+                    if not self.current_item.title:
+                        self.current_item.title = self.current_item.description.strip().split('\n')[0].strip()
                     self.channel.append( self.current_item)
                 self.current_item = None

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