[postgresql installation wishlist] Please set the environment variable PGPORT on postgresql installation (it is not set on my system). The default for 8.2 on Debian appears to be 5433 (unless this is because i had 8.1 running concurrently for a while, which used 5432 as is noted and unchanged for 8.2 in postgresql documentation). "export PGPORT=5433"
This would make available the simplest of generic tests for the default port used by postgresql... and make available a fix for the current "bug". sisu would check PGPORT and make decisions based on that (with the possibility of changing the default postgresql tcp/ip port in its rcfile sisurc.yml) Setting the correct TCP/IP port is all that is required to remove this bug; and this ideally should not have to be hardwired (especially to something different from the postgresl manual stated default) if the system correctly set up provides the information. http://www.postgresql.org/docs/8.2/interactive/app-postgres.html Thanks, Ralph Amissah