> I have a little problem with a configuration like this one:
> /etc/network/interfaces
> auto bond0
> iface eth0 inet manual
> iface eth1 inet manual
> iface bond0 inet dhcp
>         pre-up ifconfig bond0 up
>         slaves eth0 eth1
>         use_carrier 1
>         up ifconfig bond0 mtu 9000
> The dhcp client is launched before the slave interfaces are added. This
> means that the client times out and I do not get the ip at boot. Also,
> at shutdown, the interfaces are removed before the dhcp client send the
> DHCPRELEASE message, so it never gest anywhere. 
> This is rather annoying but there are 2 fixes. The long term one would
> be to use /etc/network/{if-pre-up.d,if-post-down.d} instead of
> /etc/network/{if-up.d,if-down.d} for the ifenslave hook. And for the
> short term, I use explicitely ifenslave in the interfaces file.

I see. Well, originally I had pre-up and post-down scripts, but people
complained that it didn't work because bonding fails if the master
interface is not up (see attached email). I see that you work around
this by adding "pre-up ifconfig bond0 up" to the iface stanza. I guess I
can bring the interface up automatically in a pre-up script.

Met vriendelijke groet / with kind regards,
      Guus Sliepen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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Little question to your ifenslave-2.6 package.

Shouldn't the enslave of the slaves interfaces happend after the bonding device is up? Also I think the slaves should be detached before the bonding device goes down.

Currently you do this in if-pre-up.d and if-post-down.d. But in this constellation I always
get the error:

server:/etc/network# ifup bond0
Illegal operation: the specified master interfaces 'bond0' is not up.
Illegal operation: the specified master interfaces 'bond0' is not up.
run-parts: /etc/network/if-pre-up.d/ifenslave exited with return code 1

After this the bond0 get's up, but without the physicall interfaces enslaved.

For me I have simply moved if-pre-up.d/ifenslave to if-up.d and if-post-down.d/ifenslave to
if-down.d and it starts working.


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