> We could also roll-back that rather gratuitious change for 0.22
> (modifying most/all plugins) and keep on with the current library name

Good idea, I'll update my packages...

> There's also the issue with the changed user-database format in
> $HOME/.opensync; I'm not sure how to handle this on upgrade (except for
> a cop-out NEWS.Debian or debconf notice),

I don't see much reason for us to provide an automated upgrade, if upstream 
didn't care to do it. Based on the state of the software in v0.19, and 
especially the frontends, I would think not many people use it seriously 
anyway. So a NEWS.Debian message seems to be enough.

The following part of the release announcement for 0.22 should probably be 
included kin README.Debian:

OpenSync is still in early stages of development. Please don't sync
without a full backup and only sync if you are able to restore from
your backup! Please follow the plugin's README prior to using a plugin!"


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