tags 402027 + pending

Re: Alain Bench 2007-03-09 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > If so I'd be inclined to include it in /etc/Muttrc.

I just put it in my local copy here, it will be included in the next

>     Then I'll contribute another similar charset-hook, aliasing EUC-JP
> to EUC-JP-MS for Japanese. It deals with Microsoft mailers which use
> their own extended charset pretending it's straight EUC-JP. The result
> is nearly the same as the GB2312 hook: Only (small) benefit. No
> drawbacks.

Also included, and thanks for the provided config snippet.

>     I still have to highlight one danger: Such hook has no drawbacks,
> provided iconv knows the target charset, here EUC-JP-MS. That's OK for
> Sarge and Etch. Not for Woody (beware of backports).

Well, I'm currently targeting experimental, so woody is *very* far
away :) (Frankly, I am willing to support sarge backports, but woody
is just too old.)

On a sidenote, does "fixing" this also affect #249626/402035? From
reading the reports, there's probably not much we could do short of
reassigning the bugs to iconv. (I'm pondering tagging these wontfix.)

[EMAIL PROTECTED] | http://www.df7cb.de/

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