Patch attached so that getloadCB() isn't constantly malloc()ing memory that
is never freed.  Tested with valgrind.

diff -uarb xsysinfo-1.7/xsysinfo.c xsysinfo-1.7_patch/xsysinfo.c
--- xsysinfo-1.7/xsysinfo.c	1999-05-04 22:58:03.000000000 -0700
+++ xsysinfo-1.7_patch/xsysinfo.c	2007-03-07 11:49:20.000000000 -0800
@@ -116,11 +116,15 @@
 XtPointer client_data;
 XtPointer call_data;
+	static char cpuLoadBuffer[7];
 	struct load load;
 	XgBarGaugeValues *gauge = (XgBarGaugeValues *) call_data;
-	load.cpu = (char *)malloc(7*sizeof(char));
-	strcpy(load.cpu, (char *)client_data);
+	// 20070307 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
+	// this char buffer is never freed
+	//load.cpu = (char *)malloc(7*sizeof(char));
+	load.cpu = cpuLoadBuffer;
+	strncpy(load.cpu, (char *)client_data, 7);
 	gauge->values[0] = norm(load.user,;

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