On Sat, 2 Mar 2007, George Williams wrote:
On Thu, 2007-03-01 at 14:13, Kęstutis Biliūnas wrote:
forwarded 412898 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Tr, 2007 02 28 19:50 +0000, Reuben Thomas rašė:
Package: fontforge
Version: 0.0.20061019-1
Severity: wishlist
Please allow -nosplash to be specified as a preference (I currently
use a .bashrc alias to get round having to type it every time I start
Er, no. I don't think I shall do that.
If this is important to someone I encourage that person to work on it.
Patch attached against 20061220 (latest download I could find on the SF
site). I took the liberty of correcting a duplicate mnemonic (shortcut) in
the same (General) panel of the prefs.
http://rrt.sc3d.org/ | The shorter the better
--- fontforge-20061220/fontforge/prefs.c 2006-11-20 01:16:30.000000000
+++ fontforge-20061220-rrt/fontforge/prefs.c 2007-03-03 15:59:14.000000000
@@ -46,6 +46,7 @@
# include <langinfo.h>
+int splash = 1;
int adjustwidth = true;
int adjustlbearing = true;
Encoding *default_encoding = NULL;
@@ -267,10 +268,11 @@
char *popup;
} general_list[] = {
{ N_("ResourceFile"), pr_file, &xdefs_filename, NULL, NULL, 'R', NULL,
0, N_("When FontForge starts up, it loads display related resources from
a\nproperty on the screen. Sometimes it is useful to be able to store\nthese
resources in a file. These resources are only read at start\nup, so changing
this has no effect until the next time you start\nFontForge.") },
- { N_("HelpDir"), pr_file, &helpdir, NULL, NULL, 'R', NULL, 0, N_("The
directory on your local system in which FontForge will search for help\nfiles.
If a file is not found there, then FontForge will look for it on the net.") },
+ { N_("HelpDir"), pr_file, &helpdir, NULL, NULL, 'H', NULL, 0, N_("The
directory on your local system in which FontForge will search for help\nfiles.
If a file is not found there, then FontForge will look for it on the net.") },
{ N_("OtherSubrsFile"), pr_file, &othersubrsfile, NULL, NULL, 'O',
NULL, 0, N_("If you wish to replace Adobe's OtherSubrs array (for Type1
fonts)\nwith an array of your own, set this to point to a file containing\na
list of up to 14 PostScript subroutines. Each subroutine must\nbe preceded by a
line starting with '%%%%' (any text before the\nfirst '%%%%' line will be
treated as an initial copyright notice).\nThe first three subroutines are for
flex hints, the next for hint\nsubstitution (this MUST be present), the 14th
(or 13 as the\nnumbering actually starts with 0) is for counter hints.\nThe
subroutines should not be enclosed in a [ ] pair.") },
{ N_("FreeTypeInFontView"), pr_bool, &use_freetype_to_rasterize_fv,
NULL, NULL, 'O', NULL, 0, N_("Use the FreeType rasterizer (when available)\nto
rasterize glyphs in the font view.\nThis generally results in better quality.")
{ N_("AutoHint"), pr_bool, &autohint_before_rasterize, NULL, NULL, 'A',
NULL, 0, N_("AutoHint before rasterizing") },
+ { N_("SplashScreen"), pr_bool, &splash, NULL, NULL, 'S', NULL, 0,
N_("Show splash screen on start-up") },
{ NULL }
new_list[] = {
--- fontforge-20061220/fontforge/start.c 2006-11-20 22:53:47.000000000
+++ fontforge-20061220-rrt/fontforge/start.c 2007-03-03 15:56:51.000000000
@@ -577,7 +577,7 @@
const char *load_prefs = getenv("FONTFORGE_LOADPREFS");
int i;
- int splash = 1;
+ extern int splash;
int recover=1;