
Looking at the .postinst, there is no need to restart inetd at all,
since this will be done by update-inetd. Quoting from update-inetd(8):

After the /etc/inetd.conf file has been changed, update-inetd will
send a SIGHUP signal to the inetd process to make sure that  inetd
will use  the new /etc/inetd.conf file.

I am wondering what would happen if update-inetd is not present on the
system. IMO, the postinst will fail, due to pre-1.9 version still
listening on the port. Adding update-inetd to dependencies would avoid

Attached is a patch for both issues.

Damyan Ivanov                           Modular Software Systems
phone +359(2)928-2611, 929-3993              fax +359(2)920-0994
mobile +359(88)856-6067              JID [EMAIL PROTECTED]
diff -ur apt-proxy-1.9.35.orig/debian/control apt-proxy-1.9.35/debian/control
--- apt-proxy-1.9.35.orig/debian/control	2006-08-14 15:46:05.000000000 +0300
+++ apt-proxy-1.9.35/debian/control	2007-03-02 14:10:46.000000000 +0200
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
 Package: apt-proxy
 Architecture: all
-Depends: debconf (>= 0.5.00) | debconf-2.0, ${python:Depends}, python-twisted-web (>= 0.6), python-apt (>= 0.5.8), bzip2, logrotate, adduser
+Depends: debconf (>= 0.5.00) | debconf-2.0, ${python:Depends}, python-twisted-web (>= 0.6), python-apt (>= 0.5.8), bzip2, logrotate, adduser, update-inetd
 Conflicts: apt-proxy-v2 (<= 1.9.5)
 Replaces: apt-proxy-v2 (<= 1.9.5)
 Suggests: rsync
diff -ur apt-proxy-1.9.35.orig/debian/postinst apt-proxy-1.9.35/debian/postinst
--- apt-proxy-1.9.35.orig/debian/postinst	2006-08-04 02:54:46.000000000 +0300
+++ apt-proxy-1.9.35/debian/postinst	2007-03-02 14:11:38.000000000 +0200
@@ -31,11 +31,9 @@
         if dpkg --compare-versions "$PREV"  lt-nl 1.9; then
-            if [ -x /usr/sbin/update-inetd ]; then
-              echo "Disabling inetd's apt-proxy v1 line."
-              update-inetd --comment-chars "#<apt-proxy-v2># " --disable 9999
-              invoke-rc.d inetd restart
-            fi
+            echo "Disabling inetd's apt-proxy v1 line."
+            update-inetd --comment-chars "#<apt-proxy-v2># " --disable 9999
             db_fset $NAME/upgrading-v2 seen false || true
             db_input medium $NAME/upgrading-v2 || true

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