Hi all,

me and most of all my customers having serious problems with a Typo3
extension called tt_news. When trying to edit a tt_news entry by clicking
on the edit icon in the backend the server produces a 500 error.
I contacted Rupert Germann in December 2006, the author of tt_news and
after trying and sorting out he believes that this is a PHP 5.2.0 issue.
Attached the mail Rupert sent me. As I'm not a programmer I cannot say for
sure if Rupert is right. But at least it reads comprehensible to me.

As tt_news is a very popular extension plus I sure that also other
extensions or complete different PHP applications have problems with this
xml parsing bugs I hope that this is fixed very soon. I was waiting for the
release of PHP 5.2.1 and after that the release of the Debian package since

Thanks and regards,

===8<===========This is a forwarded message============

Von: Rupert Germann
An: Martin Sebald
Datum: Dienstag, 12. Dezember 2006, 10:34:17 [GMT +0100]
Betreff: Re: Error 500 when trying to edit tt_news entry

===8<==============Original message text===============

hi Martin,

I also tried it with PHP 5.2.0-7 on Debian and after I wasted some hours with 
unsuccesful testing/debugging I downgraded to the former 5.1.6 version.
The error seems to be located in the xmlparser of PHP. The extension manager 
from TYPO3 could not parse the extensions.xml file and also the parsing of 
big flexform xml files (like tt_news uses) failed.

In the TYPO3 mailinglists there are several theads about the PHP 5.2 problems, 

conclusion is that you either should downgrade to 5.1.6 or you could try the 
5.2.1dev version where people say that this problem is fixed.


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