clone 408530 -1 -2
reassign -1 asterisk-chan-capi
retitle -1 asterisk-chan-capi: Need a mutex for calls to capi_{cmsg,message}2str
reassign -2 linux-2.6
retitle -2 linux-2.6: capi_{cmsg,message}2str not thread-safe; vulnerable to 
buffer overflow
block -1 with 408530
tags -2 upstream
forwarded -2

This function and capi_message2str are not thread-safe either; nor can
they be made so without the use of TSS for their buffers.  chan_capi
will need to use a mutex to prevent collision between concurrent uses of
these functions.  I don't know what can be done in the kernel.  The
buffer overflow could conceivably be due to two concurrent calls to
these functions rather than a single message.


Ben Hutchings
It is easier to change the specification to fit the program than vice versa.

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