Package: awffull                                                                
Version: 3.7.1-1                                                                
Severity: important                                                             
Please package the new version.  There are some fixes fixes:                    
There have been quite a few changes in the move from v3.6.1 to                  
    * Add support for the GeoIP API's for country detection                     
    * Add the ability to display Country Flags in the Country table.            
          o See the INSTALL file for details                                    
    * Fix a nasty segfault and apply some patches from Debian Webalizer         
    * for possible buffer overflows                                             
    * Minor update to the GeoIP usage. Stop DNS calls being made.               
    * autoconf fix - proper compilation options now selected. Can               
    * improve speed by ~ 13%. YMMV.                                             
    * Fix for the auto log detection. Was dropping into Domino when it          
    * shouldn't.                                                                
    * Quite a few spelling corrections in various documents                     
    * 3.7.2 is purely a fix release over 3.7.1                                  
    * 3.7.3 removes most of the translations for country names                  
    * (Australia == ?) that AWFFull will output when run under a                
    * language other than English. This was necessary as it was                 
    * discovered that many of the translations for country were very            
    * incorrect. It was felt better to not be there than wrong.                 
    * 3.7.4-beta1 brings in TrueType Font support into all graphs. This         
    * also allows for native character set support in the graphs.               
    * 3.7.4-beta1 has some automated, via kbabel, translations for              
    * country names, as were removed in v3.7.3. These are marked "fuzzy"        
    * and hence not immediately accessible.                                     

Ruben Puettmann

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