* Mark Brown <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [20070127 18:15]:
> On Sat, Jan 27, 2007 at 04:53:45PM +0100, Michael Prokop wrote:

> > You are stopping powertweakd manually without taking care of policy
> > set by policy-rc.d. Please use the invoke-rc.d mechanism instead.
> > See Debian policy section 9.3.3 =>
> > http://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-opersys.html

> As you will have seen from looking at the relevant parts of the package
> update-rc.d is inappropriate for this situation: the whole point here is
> that the init script being worked around doesn't support the stop target.

Yes, I was aware of the text in /var/lib/dpkg/info/powertweakd.preinst:

# Since some earlier versions of the powertweak package didn't stop the
# powertweakd daemon prior to removal we do so here.  Don't check for
# upgrades for simplicity.

So my proposal for use of 'dpkg --compare-versions ...' would be
fine. If we have a recent enough package version the preinst script
could use invoke-rc.d (if needed at all), for older versions your
start-stop-daemon mechanism could be used without any further

> > If you really have to fix a problem of older package version(s)
> > please consider use of something like 'dpkg --compare-versions ...'.

> I'll give it some consideration, but not until the current version has
> propagated into etch.  Given that this has been present since 2001
> without being noticed it doesn't seem to cause too many practical
> problems.



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