Quoting "schönfeld / in-medias-res.com" ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> Hi,
> Christian Perrier wrote:
> > Hello, 
> > 
> > This bug, as well as #402830, is marked "pending". Is there any reason
> > for not uploading a new version fixing them, now that we are in freeze
> > (both bugs qualify for a freeze exception)?
> yes, there are reasons for not uploading an updated version yet. In fact
> there are more important bugs then l10n bugs, which are not yet solved.
> At least not enough to release a new version. I'm working on it with
> pressure, but I'm pretty busy right now.

Please consider that unless these issues are release critical they're
likely to be rejected by the release team.

And, as a consequence, the l10n updates would then never enter testing.

> > In case you can't do it now, I propose an upload in the next days,
> > which I will do anyway if I don't receive an answer pretty soon (I'm
> > currently running a bmlitz NMU campaign for pending l10n bugs).
> If you don't see that i close these bugs in the next 1 or 2 days, then
> please feel free to NMU a version fixing just the l10n bugs. I will have
> to take care for the other outstanding bugs apart from that, then.

What I can propose you is NMU'ing for the l10n issues, which will
allow such fixes to enter testing without objection from the RM.

Then from this you can work on other issues, especially if they are
not release critical but "just" important (it's too late
anyway for non RC issues).

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