Package: libdbd-pg-perl Version: 1.49-2 Reading the package descriptions for libdbd-pg-perl and libdbd-pgsql, the difference is not clear. From reading the package copyright and README files in the packages I determined,
libdbd-pg-perl: Uses the perl DBI/DBD abstraction layer. DBI's homepage is Provides the DBD::Pg perl module. CPAN homepage is libdbd-pgsql: Uses libdbi, a database-independent abstraction layer written in C, similar to the DBI/DBD layer in Perl. libdbi homepage is libdbd-pgsql homepage is Raphael and David, Can you work together to differentiate the package descriptions? I am filing this as a bug against both packages. Thanks, -- Matt Taggart [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]