Steve Langasek wrote:
> On Thu, Jan 04, 2007 at 10:07:30PM -0800, tony mancill wrote:
>>> The new upstream version uploaded to unstable includes a significant number
>>> of changes unrelated to the RC bugfix.  Please prepare a targetted fix that
>>> can be uploaded to testing-proposed-updates.  (Apparently the upstream
>>> tarball just needs repacked without the jar?)
>> Sorry Steve, I didn't think there was still a possibility for getting this
>> into etch.
> It's an RC bug, it needs to be fixed for etch if tuxguitar is to be included
> in etch. :)
>> Any suggestions on what we should use for an upstream tarball version
>> number for the 0.8 sans the janel-ant jar?  (0.8~dfsg perhaps?)
> 0.8dfsg, maybe?  I don't know if 0.8~dfsg would work, but at least as an
> upstream version number that would sort earlier than 0.8 so doesn't really
> seem appropriate.  0.8dfsg would still sort before 0.8.1.

Hi Philippe:

The 0.8dfsg tarball you uploaded to mentors includes more changes than just
removing janel-ant.jar, so I want to clarify with the RM before uploading
this version.  The changes are relatively innocuous - aside from the the CVS
directories disappearing, some files that were in the debian diff now show
up in the tarball, and the change to is only the
version string.

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/debian/sponsor/tuxguitar$ diff -x CVS -rb
0.8/TuxGuitar-0.8-src/ 0.8dfsg/tuxguitar-0.8dfsg/ | more
Only in 0.8dfsg/tuxguitar-0.8dfsg/: COPYING
Only in 0.8dfsg/tuxguitar-0.8dfsg/: GNUmakefile
Only in 0.8dfsg/tuxguitar-0.8dfsg/: MANIFEST.MF
Only in 0.8/TuxGuitar-0.8-src/: lib
Only in 0.8dfsg/tuxguitar-0.8dfsg/:
Only in 0.8dfsg/tuxguitar-0.8dfsg/: manpage.refs
diff -x CVS -rb
<       private static final String TUXGUITAR_VERSION = "TuxGuitar 0.7";
>       private static final String TUXGUITAR_VERSION = "TuxGuitar 0.8";

However, I think the intent is to address the RC bug *only* (404295) with
this upload, so it should be the tarball from 0.8 with the offending jar
removed, but with no other changes.  Also, the new changelog indicates that
a locale was added, but I don't think it should be there (and I can't seem
to find it anyway.)

tuxguitar (0.8dfsg-1) unstable; urgency=low

  * removed janel-ant (closes: #405295)
  * added german locale (closes: #398972)

Finally, please set the distribution to "testing-proposed-updates" and the
urgency to "medium" for the next upload to mentors.


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