tags 388683 + patch

Reminder of the issue:
On amd64 [and anything where the bool type is different than on ia32],
when a user was taking at least one apple and saving the replay, the
replay was invalid.

Those 2 patches solve the issue and will be included in the next
version of xmoto. Please test it on the ia32 arch before including it,
just in case i've broken something¹.


¹ Use case:
1) xmoto -level doom
2) grab two apples and save replay
3) play the replay e.g. using xmoto -replay nameOfYourReplay
If it's ok, it won't crash.
Homepage (http://organact.mine.nu)
Debian GNU/Linux (http://www.debian.org)
École de technologie supérieure (http://www.etsmtl.ca)

Attachment: fix_replay_creation_64bits-01.dpatch
Description: Binary data

Attachment: fix_replay_creation_64bits-02.dpatch
Description: Binary data

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