Package: readline-common Version: 5.2-1 Severity: grave This is a TERRIBLE mistake! We scare away the new users.
By default the shell (bash) and some console programs make beeping sounds in some conditions. You might not realize, but for newbie users this is 1. horrible irritating, when one have a loud PC speaker 2. impossible to fix yet (he just starts to learn debian, linux, console) "beep. Huh? BEEP. How do I turn that off? BEEEEEEEEP Oh my god, lets go back to windoBEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP! quick!" Advanced user will turn it back on in seconds. Newbiew will be annoyed for it for days. Remember not everyone is as advanced in Linux as You, and pissing off the new user at first occassion is not good. Smack in the head is NOT a good way to start a date. For example fix this, as Debian Devel suggested: <Cyis> raf256: appears the "set bell-style none" is actually in /usr/share/readline/inputrc but commented out Please stop scarring away new users! Thanks. -- RafaĆ Maj C++
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