On Tue, 2007-01-02 at 19:55 +0100, Christoph Thomas wrote:
> I found bug 378641 so maybe this problem is related to the Locations.xml? The 
> entry for Munich is
>       <location>
>         <name>Munich</name>
>         <code>EDDM</code>
>         <coordinates>48-21N 011-47E</coordinates>
>       </location>
> For me it is not easy to understand how to check the code 'EDDM'. How can I 
> get the right code from www.weather.com?


I'm not a gweather user, so maybe I have misunderstood something, but I
don't get a forecast tab at all for Munich. 

From looking at bug 378641, maybe some additional values are needed? The
code, EDDM, seems to be an ICAO code, for identifying air ports, but I'm
not sure about zone and radar.

Maybe you can file this as a bug upstream, in bugzilla.gnome.org, or
contact the upstream GNOME maintainer?

Sven Arvidsson
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