On 1/3/07, Tollef Fog Heen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

No, it states that you may sell implementations derived from the
reference code.  Note that in the second paragraph it says «may be
made, used, and sold», while in the third (where it restricts what you
may do) it says «no right to use, copy, sell, or distribute» which
seems to imply that you're allowed to sell (but not distribute the
code outside of a sale).

The third paragraph is related to any other implementations, made by RSA.

Citation (word 'other' is highlighted by me):
no right to use, copy, sell, or distribute any *other* implementations
of the MD2, MD4, or MD5 message-digest algorithms created,
implemented, or distributed by RSA is hereby granted by implication,
estoppel, or otherwise.

Sergei Golovan

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