CC'ing the aironet mailing list. Matteo asks us debian wpa_supplicant
maintainers about WPA support for his airo card. Read the full context
here: Please maintain the CC on answers.

Matteo Croce <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Isn't being offline any harm?

Of course it is serious for you, but please note, that according to the
information you gave us, it looks like a configuration error or lack of
wpasupport in your wireless driver. Are you sure both your driver and
your firmware do support wpa?

>> During some researching of these cisco aironet devices, I found a nice
>> table of WPA support here:
>> Its features are also well described here:

From these pages, it doesn't look to me like your driver offers the
necessary extensions for WPA.

The fact that wpa_supplicant segfaults instead of exiting gracefully is
indeed an important bug, the fact that your driver doesn't support wpa
isnt' a bug at all for wpa_supplicant, but a bug in your wireless

If you have further information about WPA support in the airo driver,
please let us know.

Reinhard Tartler, KeyID 945348A4

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