On Sat, Dec 02, 2006 at 11:28:43PM -0600, Adam Majer wrote:
> > On Sat, Dec 02, 2006 at 08:25:05PM -0600, Adam Majer wrote:

> >> AFAIK, library packages cannot conflict with each other.

> > Sure they can...

> But this screws up usability of Debian as a whole if half of the
> packages cannot be installed because another half is compiled with a
> library that conflicts with former.

In this case we're talking about a total set of 5 packages.  The packages
depending on one flavor or the other would need to be downgraded to
Priority: extra; and it's reasonable for the maintainers of those packages
to object and push for an alternate solution that allows their packages to
remain at Prio: option instead.  But none of that is RC.

> I really think that policy should be fixed (or must be fixed, to use the
> correct wording :) such that libraries cannot conflict with each other
> unless,
>   * same ABI (one provides the other though shlibs files)
>   * any application can link with one or the other (licensing issues
> only in this point)

I disagree that there's anything here that needs fixed, but regardless, you
don't declare a bug "serious" with references to a policy that hasn't been
written yet.

> Needless to say, libneon should be fixed to not conflict with each
> other. There is no reason to do this. I'm sure you'd agree with me on
> this.

Yes, I'm only disagreeing with the severity of the bug; I'm not disagreeing
that this is a bug.

Steve Langasek                   Give me a lever long enough and a Free OS
Debian Developer                   to set it on, and I can move the world.
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