Package: xenman
Version: 0.5-1
Severity: important

IMO xenman shouldn't depend on xen-hypervisor because it runs on client
machine, not server.

According to

Prerequisites for running XenMan :

Client node :
      * Xen 3.0.2 or later installed.
      * X server (to display XenMan UI)
      * Ability to connect to Managed Node through SSH
      * Paramiko library (if you have problems installing along with
      * XenMan installed

Managed node :
      * Xen 3.0.2 or later (booted in to Xen kernel and Xend running)
      * Xend daemon listening on TCP/IP port
      * SSH daemon running
      * X server is NOT required

Attachment: smime.p7s
Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

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