This one time, at band camp, Bastian Venthur said:
> Hi,
> just re-running aptitudue (or whatever you use) will solve the problem.

Yes, the problem is solved for me, but that isn't really the issue.

> This problem seems to be related to the renaming of the package I've
> done with the last upload. I've followed exactly method A from
> which isn't the cleanest method, but the other one is not applicable
> before etch.

It looks like you have followed it exactly, and I don't immediately see
why it didn't work.

> Since this does not really break something and disappears as soon as you
> re-run aptitude I'd propose to downgrade this bug to minor or normal and
> close it when the package entered stable (not only testing), If you
> don't mind?

I am more worried that this sort of silly bug breaks dist-upgrading.
Before we downgrade it or do something else, let's get another pair of
eyes on it to see if anyone can spot the problem.
|   ,''`.                                            Stephen Gran |
|  : :' :                                        [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
|  `. `'                        Debian user, admin, and developer |
|    `-                            |

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