Am Sonntag, den 05.11.2006, 22:26 +0100 schrieb Joo Martin: > Hello Paul, > > > my father told me today, that the Helvetica font is not available > > in OOo anymore for a week or so. > > I had the same problems with the OOo 2.x some months ago and at > the beginning I have tested some ways to get Helvetica/Times > Fonts again. > > My best solution now (in german language): > > ----------------------------------------------------------- > Extras / Optionen / / Schriftarten: > > x Ersetzungstabelle > x _ Nimbus Mono L Courier > x _ Nimbus Roman No9 L Times > x _ Nimbus Nimbus Sans L Helvetica > ----------------------------------------------------------- > > and I use the Nimbus-Fonts as default fonts. This will say: the > Nimbus-Fonts are TTF-Fonts as Type1-Fonts-Substitutions of Courier, > Times, Helvica. Now my Fonts-Design is the same as before and the > PDF-Export-Files now again very small, because of the substition > rules above.
I tried your instructions, but unfortunately the document set with Helvetica font and then Nimbus Sans L is still to large (before it covered one page, now also a bit of a second one). Maybe here are some more informations: In contrast to the original post, the fonts Times New Roman is shown (also the msttcorefonts and Courier). So 1. Could you please check if those fonts are also available to you? Typing xlsfonts on the console and grepping for helvet or times, the fonts are shown. For example: -adobe-helvetica-medium-o-normal--20-140-100-100-p-98-iso8859-1 or -adobe-times-medium-i-normal--14-140-75-75-p-73-iso8859-1 2. Is that also true in your setup? On IRC someone suggested that Helvetica is not a free fonts and that is the reason it is not shown anymore. 3. Has anyone (maybe Rene) more information about this? Hope we can solve this issue soon. > Ciao, Joo > (Germany) Greetings Paul
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