reassign 398031 libxul0d
severity 398031 important
merge 398031 388447

Le samedi 11 novembre 2006 à 11:02 +0100, Remi Vanicat a écrit :
> Package: epiphany-browser
> Version: 2.14.3-3
> Severity: normal
> When trying to print any page with epiphany, epiphany crash with a
> segmentation fault. The printing system used is cups, and I've the
> crash with all my printer (the pdfprinter virtual cups printer, and my
> epson) but also when trying to generate a postscript. 

This is a known bug in libxul. A workaround is to enable pango by
setting the /apps/epiphany/web/enable_pango GConf key to true.

Josselin Mouette                /\./\

"Do you have any more insane proposals for me?"

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