On Sat, Nov 11, 2006 at 07:20:57AM +0100, Christian Perrier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> reassign 397984 console-data
> tags 397984 console-data wontfix
> retitle 397984 Please base the default keyboard on select D-I country rather 
> than language
> thanks
> Quoting Mike Hommey ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> > Package: debian-installer
> > Severity: minor
> > 
> > Hi,
> > 
> > I've been giving a try to the beta3 installer today (I had to quickly
> > install a system in a vmware, so...) and was wondering about something.
> > 
> > How unusual is it for people to use a computer that is not from their
> > country ? How does it compare to people that use a computer from their
> > country in another one ?
> > 
> > Let me explain.
> > 
> > At the very beginning of the install, the user is asked for the language
> > for the installer.
> > Then, he is asked for the country he is in, with the default choice
> > being the most probable one considering the language.
> > Finally, he is asked what kind of keyboard he is using, with the default
> > choice being the most probable one considering the language.
> > 
> > Wouldn't it make sense to have as default choice the most probable one
> > considering the country, instead ?
> To my feeling no more no less sense.
> We have to make a choice and this choice has been made to base the
> *default* keyboard *first* on language then on country.
> All mechanisms in console-data (which is the right package to assign
> this bug to) allow "pondering" the language with the country to choose
> the default keyboard.

Well, then why are American and French keyboards so far from each other
when installing with english installer in France location ?


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