Hi, Kevin.

First of all, thank you very much for your reply. It is quite welcome.

On Nov 03 2006, Kevin Bube wrote:
> Rogério Brito <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > What is the status on your fonts (both this and mathdesign)?
> For the garamond fonts the license problems remain. Ralf Stubner claimed
> that he has fixed the issue [1], but it requires Walter Schmidt's action
> to upload it to CTAN which has not happened up to now.

This is, indeed a pity.

> One mail from me sent to him on July remained unreplied. I would have
> tried it another time but I am buried in work till the end of the
> year, so I do not have much time anyway.

I can try to add my voice to ask him to upload a new package (or even
help, if I know what to do) once I know precisely what the problem is.

> For the mathdesign package(s), no sponsor stepped up until now.

Hummm, perhaps we don't have that many people interested in high quality
typesetting? :-(

I think that your RFS was lost in the middle of the many e-mails (and
the restructuring of the mentors site) and asking it again would
probably get you someone interested in sponsoring at least one first

> Anyway, I think it is too late for etch now and I hope to have more
> time again on January.

I don't actually think that a package that isn't that invasive should be
a problem for etch.

Anyway, uploading it to unstable would be a good thing (or, at least,
uploading it experimental), so that the "guinea pigs" (read: "me
included") can actually experiment with it, provide feedback and report
bugs in an "official way" (even if it has to spend some time in the NEW

Thank you very much for your efforts, Rogério Brito.

Rogério Brito : [EMAIL PROTECTED] : http://www.ime.usp.br/~rbrito
Homepage of the algorithms package : http://algorithms.berlios.de
Homepage on freshmeat:  http://freshmeat.net/projects/algorithms/

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