On Tue, 2006-10-31 at 19:13 +0000, Chris Halls wrote:
> Sorry this mail got delayed on my server, resending.
> On Tue, Oct 24, 2006 at 10:03:33AM +0200, Jerome Warnier wrote:
> > This is still a bug (whoever it belongs to, I don't know) with FTP.
> > Perhaps the bug title should say that ("on FTP backend").
> At a guess this bug will affect all non-http backends. I see that this was
>  not being picked up by the unit tests because the test client was sending
>  unescaped characters to the test apt-proxy.

The rsync fetcher appeared to be unaffected - it's passing a URL rather
than a path to the rsync command.


Ben Hutchings -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] shortened to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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