
Thank you for reporting this bug for skkdic's source tarball.  I've
written the debian/README.Debian-source file and add a get-orig-source
target to the debian/rules file.  Could you please review them?



skkdic source tarball for Debian

The upstream source tarball skkdic_YYYYMMDD.orig.tar.gz for Debian's
skkdic package is repackaged by Debian skkdic package maintainer since
the dictionary data files are distributed separately via CVS and WWW,
not as gzipped tarball.  Also, files related to EDICT is excluded from
the source tarball in repackaging since they are distributed under a
DFSG non-free license.

The procedure to roll the tarball is as follows:

1) Export dictionary data directory skk/dic at the point of 0:00 on
   that day from the CVS repository
   :pserver:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/circus/cvsroot.

2) Rename the source directory skk/dic as skkdic-YYYYMMDD.orig.

3) Remove EDICT-related files, SKK-JISYO.edict and edict_doc.txt, from
   the source directory.

4) Roll the tarball skkdic_YYYYMMDD.orig.tar.gz with maximal

For more information about actual commands to do this, see the
get-orig-source target in debian/rules.  To repeat the procedure, just
run it, like `./debian/rules get-orig-source'.

 -- Noritada Kobayashi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  Tue, 17 Oct 2006 21:07:34 +0900

Index: debian/rules
--- debian/rules        (revision 65)
+++ debian/rules        (revision 68)
@@ -12,3 +12,24 @@
        rm -f *.cdb
        rm -f *.tmp # cdb's intermediate products
+package := skkdic
+date := $(shell date '+%Y%m%d')
+orig_source_dir := ${package}-${date}.orig
+orig_source_tarball := ${package}_${date}.orig.tar.gz
+cvs_repos := :pserver:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/circus/cvsroot
+cvs_path := skk/dic
+cvs_top := $(shell echo ${cvs_path} | cut -d "/" -f 1 -)
+       rm -rf ${cvs_top} ${orig_source_dir}
+       rm -f ${orig_source_tarball}
+get-orig-source: clean-orig-source
+       @echo "Type 'guest' as CVS password."
+       cvs -d ${cvs_repos} login
+       cvs -d ${cvs_repos} export -D ${date} ${cvs_path}
+       mv ${cvs_path} ${orig_source_dir}
+       rm -f ${orig_source_dir}/*edict*
+       tar c ${orig_source_dir} | gzip -9 > ${orig_source_tarball}
+       rm -rf ${cvs_top} ${orig_source_dir}
|:  Noritada KOBAYASHI
|:  Dept. of General Systems Studies,
|:  Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, Univ. of Tokyo
|:  E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (preferable)
|:          [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|:  Key fingerprint = AB26 9533 81DA 997B 3C06  4380 19BB ADA0 695C 9F53

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