Hello Stepen and *,

Am 2006-10-08 17:11:06, schrieb Stephen Gran:
> This one time, at band camp, Robert Millan said:
> > Such "gender" field may have three values (male, female or undefined). 
> I think that this opens a whole set of issues that have previously been
> happily ignored; you are creating an enum here, essentially, but not
> putting in possibilities for trans gender or other non biological
> identifiers, which is an issue I would be really happy to not deal with,
> frankly.

This is right since I am hermaphrodite and this issue is already
in treetment by the "Court of Human Rights" (Strasbourg/France)
and by the "European Court of Justice" 

Since geneticment I am NOT male and NOT female.

So, before doing something on this issue, the Upstream and the
Maintainers of such Software should wait for it.

The more difficult question is, what do you want to do with an
Hermaphrodite (sex: hermaphrodit) which live as women OR as man?

...or maybe like me as "Hermaphrodite"!

I have already political and busines repressions because the
conservative France wan't accept my status...

I am orgin half Iranien and half Turkish and maried with a women
in Morocco.  In all three countries, my sex is hermaphrodite.

> The whole thing belongs at a lower layer than adduser, I think.  Th
> efirst thing I would do is try an experiment on one of your systems and
> see what goes wrong.  I suspect finger and some other tools may not
> behave all that well if you add an extra field or change the semantics
> of a pre-existing field (I mean a field within the gecos entry, in case
> it's not clear).

if you add a new filed in the GECOS at the end (I have done
this for some seconds) do applications accept it?

I will test it now for a while

> If all goes well, contrary to my expectations, then I would take it up
> with the shadow maintainers - adduser currently really only calls chfn
> to handle the gecos entries, so if the support is there, it will be
> present in adduser.


Thanks, Greetings and nice Day
    Michelle Konzack
    Tamay Dogan Network
    Debian GNU/Linux Consultant

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