Le jeudi 12 octobre 2006 à 07:26 +0200, Christian Perrier a écrit :
> Well, the most difficult is indeed to find a translation for the
> concept of "hinting". We all know this is a difficult one to translate
> as we probably all talk about "hinting" even when we talk French
> together...
> Of course, such jargon is theoretically acceptable in the spoken
> language but not, if possible, when addressing users.
> Joss, you're probably more competent than all of us (localization
> dudes) about fonts and you speak French. What would you suggest to
> translate "hinting" ?

I'm afraid there is no real translation. The literal translation would
be something like "astuces" or "conseils" and it would make sense, as
this is what font hinting is about, but I'm afraid users wouldn't
understand it.

> Would "optimisation du rendu («  hinting »" be OK for you? We usually
> put jargon words along with tentative translations in the case of
> words that are so common in the spoken language that techno-geeks
> would be lost without them.

Something like this would be fine, yes. Or maybe "méthode d'affinage du
rendu (hinting)" would do the trick. As for "Autohinter", the
translation could be something like "auto-généré": in this case freetype
generates the hints instead of using the native ones.
 .''`.           Josselin Mouette        /\./\
: :' :           [EMAIL PROTECTED]
`. `'                        [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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