Le mercredi 11 octobre 2006 à 16:35 -0600, Gregory D. MELLOTT a écrit :
> package: nautilus
> version: 2.8.2-2
> No error messages.
> Problem only occurred once so far while copying /boot directory files from a
> Debian RAID 1 partition to a Red HAT 9 drive partition that was part of
> a RAID 1 when running normally.  Working as 'root'; using 'Copy' and
> 'Paste'.  After the files copied, they were then also deleted from the
> Debian ('/boot' partition) [as the time remaining display started
> generating real odd, large (& usually negative) numbers].

First, is the error easily reproducible and does it only happen over
RAID partitions?

Also, could you try, if you have a chance, with the latest nautilus
version in testing or unstable?

> My Suggestions:
>  It would be very nice it 'synaptic' could interface with one trying to
> generate a bug report.  No doubt it could quickly display dependency
> concerns.

There's a tool named "reportbug" for that, unfortunately it still lacks
a decent GUI.

 .''`.           Josselin Mouette        /\./\
: :' :           [EMAIL PROTECTED]
`. `'                        [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   `-  Debian GNU/Linux -- The power of freedom

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