Hi everyone,

  Sorry for taking so long to reply, I am quite busy these days...

On Thu, Sep 07, 2006 at 11:43:46PM (GMT+0000), Sam Trenholme wrote:
> All zoneserver processes are correctly killed when using the upstream
> zoneserver process killer.  The script in question has this bit of
> code:
>     ps -ef | awk '{print $2":"$8}' | grep zoneserver | grep -v $$ | \
>       cut -f1 -d: | xargs kill > /dev/null 2>&1
> English translation: Send a term signal to all processes running on 
> the machine with the name zoneserver

  So Kai, what would you think about adding the following line in
/etc/init.d/zoneserver to close this issue until version 1.2.13 is out ?
(if I understood Sam correctly, version 1.2.13 won't be released before
a little while, and at least not in time for etch I suppose)

--- zoneserver.        2006-10-08 19:20:28.063770554 +0200
+++ zoneserver  2006-10-08 19:11:07.003991657 +0200
@@ -50,6 +50,7 @@
         if grep -q -i "^\(zone_transfer_acl\|tcp_convert_server\)" $rcfile; 
                SERVERNAME=`echo $rcfile | sed 's/\//_/g;s/^_*//;' | awk -F. 
'{print $NF}'`
+               ps h --ppid `cat /var/run/$SERVERNAME.pid` | cut -d ' ' -f 2 | 
xargs kill
                start-stop-daemon --stop -m --quiet --pidfile 
/var/run/$SERVERNAME.pid \

Boris Dorès

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