Am Montag, den 02.10.2006, 20:21 +0200 schrieb Ronny Aasen:
> Package: ltsp-client-builder
> Version: 0.99debian3
> ltsp-client-builder should run after pkgsel, before finish install.
> with  ltsp-client-builder haveing a priority of 69, it wont be selected 
> in the meny and wont run unless you manualy select it. In effect it wont 
> run. And the ltsp chroot will not be created.  ltsp-client-builder 
> should have a priority between 71 and 78.
> In addition the file
> http://d-i.alioth.debian.org/svn/debian-installer/installer/doc/devel/menu-item-numbers.txt
> state that priorities should be assigned by debian-boot, and not picked 
> at random.
> I have tested a local build ltsp with priority 73, and that was selected 
> as expected.
> Would debian-boot please assign a priority to ltsp-client-builder ?
> somewhere between pkgsel and finish-install
note that ltsp-client-buoilder was written for edubuntu in the
beginning, we run it from the edubuntu preseed file in the isntaller and
didnt want it to run on ubuntu, kubuntu and xubuntu installs unless
manually selected from the menu in expert mode ... (users usually dont
see the menu in a normal install in any *buntu variant

since you likely dont want to run it in a normal debian install i'd
suggest doing it in a similar way in debian-edu or skolelinux, so that
you are still able to include it as an optional item in normal debian


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