tag 390151 + moreinfo unreproducible

On Fri, Sep 29, 2006 at 04:00:24PM +0200, Maurizio Lemmo (Tannoiser) wrote:
> Hi,
> Since vim7 coming out, seems that the cursor arrows key works strange. I
> have no problem in command mode, but in insert mode they spit me out
> this chars:
> A for the up key
> B for the down key
> C for the right key
> D for the left key
> instead of moving the cursor.
> I always test this with "vim -u NONE" start command. I tested different
> flavor of LANG variables (C, en_US...), but no luck.

Invoking vim as "vim -u NONE" will always cause this behavior since Vim
is in vi-compatible mode.  If you still see the problem when invoking
VIm as "vim -u NONE -N", then there is a problem.  I was unable to
reproduce this using "vim -u NONE -N" with vim-ruby.

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