> I have prepared a little NMU to fix the failure during purging. The
> patch is attaches. As I am no DD yet I can not do an actual upload, so
> if an interested DD comes along; go ahead and do a upload.

Oh, please. 

I really appreciate your help, but i think you are too impatient here.
The bug was only reported one week ago. While the bug is a serious 
policy violation, it did not required immediate fixing. Fixing within
a week is reasonably fast enough in my opinion. Already planning for
a NMU after such a short time frame is not overly polite, imho.

In fact I already had began the work on a new version the day before
the bug was reported but was then busy for a few days. I continued the
work yesterday but was not sure about the correct way to fix the bug,
so i discussed the problem with Andreas Barth (maintainer of the 
debian developer's reference) first.

I have also shown your patch to Andreas but he was not sure if this
would be fix enough, so i fixed the bug instead by moving the update-
inetd invocation from postrm to prerm.

However, thank you for pointing out the "build-depends-indep" issue.
gwhois 20060928 has just been uploaded and fixed all current bugs.


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