
Why do you want this change? Why linux-vserver instead of vserver?

Not that I'm against this change, but I want to know why you think
this is inconsistent.


// Ola

On Tue, Sep 26, 2006 at 09:17:38PM +0200, Andreas John wrote:
> Package: util-vserver
> Version: all
> severity: wishlist
> Hi!
> I propose some changes for the text output of util-vserver's supporting
> scripts:
> 1.) debconf:
> "Automatically handle the starting and stopping of Vserver guests?"
> -->
> "Automatically handle the starting and stopping of Linux-VServer
> guests?" (or maybe simply "guests").
> 2.) Start-Stop-Script:
> "Vserver capability not detected in kernel."
> -->
> "This Kernel does not support Linux-VServer."
> 3.) Start-Stop-Script:
> "Fixing visibility of /proc entries for Vservers..."
> -->
> "Fixing visibility of /proc entries for Linux-VServer guests..."
> Best regards,
> Andreas

 --------------------- Ola Lundqvist ---------------------------
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