
Frank Küster [2006-09-26 20:00 +0200]:
> Ralf Stubner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > This is actually a bug in latex-ucs-doc not in tex-common which has been
> > reported (#388376 and #388407) before. It is fixed in latex-ucs
> > 20041017-6. If I interpret latex-ucs's changelog correctly, this problem
> > was introduced in version 20041017-4 uploaded on 2006-09-10. Matrin, is
> > that correct? 


> > I am not sure if we need a versioned conflict or replace
> > to cover such a case. Other oppinions?
> I don't think we need to bother about that, it would only clutter the
> control file. Etch won't release without that RC bug open, and I hope a
> possible new tex-common upload won't reach etch before latex-ucs does.

I agree.

> In other words, I assume Martin has set a proper urgency?

I erroneously thought that the fixed version didn't reach Etch yet,
thus I uploaded with normal urgency. However, I asked Steve Langasek
to push it, so it will go in after 2 days in tomorrow's britney run.

Sorry for that silly bug. On upgrades the directory is not replaced
with a symlink, so I did not notice.



Martin Pitt              http://www.piware.de
Ubuntu Developer   http://www.ubuntulinux.org
Debian Developer        http://www.debian.org

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