clone 298939 -1
retitle -1 lesstif1-1: copy of libXpm code affected by buffer overflow 
reassign -1 lesstif1-1
# I don't actually know if it's fixed upstream yet in LessTif, but I'm
# guessing it's not.
tag -1 - fixed-upstream
# libxpm4 is not fixed until the security buildds' packages are uploaded.
tag 298939 - fixed

Hi Joey,

Did you mean to only reference #298939 in your NMU of lesstif1-1?  You said
"Closes:", which marked as fixed the bug I filed against libxpm4, which is
not part of lesstif1-1 and is not yet fixed.

I am assuming your closing of #298939 is in error (since it's not
accurate), and cloning a copy of it for CAN-2005-0605's affect of

G. Branden Robinson                |
Debian GNU/Linux                   |           If ignorance is bliss,
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                 |           is omniscience hell? |

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