Le dimanche 06 mars 2005 � 16:03 +0100, Roland Gruber a �crit :
> Hi Jerome,
> Jerome Warnier schrieb:
> > I tried to create a user account yesterday with IE 5.5 on Win Me, but I
> > got an XML error at the end of the process (last step).
> > I retried with Mozilla Firefox, and it worked without any problem.
> I need more information to fix this.
I can imagine. Sadly, I did not have access to any PC with IE 5.5 ever
since, nor do I plan to have it again soon.
> Does the IE say what is the error?
Yes, but I cannot tell you what exactly.
> I just created a user and validated the page at w3.org. It was valid
> HTML code.
> We will make a new release on Wednesday, if you can provide me more
> information I will fix this for 0.4.9.
I'm afraid I will not be able to give you that.
It is reproducible, as I tried several times from the same PC the other
day, but I cannot tell you much more.

> Greetings,
> Roland

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